
1. colon bacteria degrade -> acid pH -> convert ammonia to ammonium ion -> poor absorb
2. GI ammnoia decrease -> blood  amonia diffuse to GI -> in GI with acid pH, converted to ammonium ion

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-->pancreatic tumor, acute/chronic  pancreatitis,

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  • Mar 09 Sun 2008 20:34
  • PPU


[highly suspected]
1. elderly, NSAID
2. history of peptic ulcer

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1. mechanical
2. chemical

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  • Mar 07 Fri 2008 00:04
  • SBP


1. S:  no apparent source.
    B:  >300 PMNs/mL
    P: abdominal pain, fever, ileus, diarrhea, abd tenderness,

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[lower GI]

distal to  lig. Treitz


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Colonic Polyps


1. non-neoplastic: hyperplastic, inflammatory, submucosal, mucosal polyps

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[bone / cartilage]

[Soft tissue]

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stimulation test -> for defeciency states

rapid ACTH stimulation test
1. for glucocorticoid reservation ; screening test
2. measure cortisol -> 0.25mg cosyntropin  IV or IV -> 30~60 minutes -> minimal increase = 7ug/dL

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Acute Pancreatitis

 1. Alcohol
 2. Gallstone

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sentinel cell recognition pathogen -> initiate and amplify innate immunity

1.sentinel cell 

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1. 白毫是茶葉
嫩芽背面生長的一層細絨毛, 乾燥後呈現白色, 故稱之.
2. 白毫    -> (ie:白茶) 砌完後白毫仍在葉上

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基本色 (70%) : 地板天花板牆壁 -> 裝潢基底色 (綜合coffee當底, ex:巴西)
主色     (25%) : 家具 -> 決定裝潢氣氛
重點色 (  5%) : 小物 -> 畫龍點睛

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1. 孔子: 一言以蔽之
2. Degowin: soft focus v.s hard focus
3. Felson: ATMLL
4. G.G.Y:  醫生的看與不見

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