1. 列舉法: 土法鍊鋼法
2. 區分法: 依照某"規則"將資料機械式的分類
3. MECE法

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三要素:亮度, 顏色, 方向

 --- 決定主體的呈現,

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  • Feb 18 Mon 2008 00:17
  • S&S

1. fever,headache, nuchal rigidity (>90%) 
2. mental status change (>75%)
3. nausea, vomit, photophobia
4. seizure

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[ concept ]
1.   CPP = MAP - ICP, ie : "effective perfusion pressure"
2. " autoregulation "-> maintain cerebral blood "flow"
3.   factors affect CBF(according to loaction) 
      a. extracranial ->  MAP, viscosity of blood

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1. 六大元素: 線條, 形狀, 形體, 質感, 圖形模式, 色彩
2. 線條:一度空間
    a. 是六個裡面最重要的元素
    b. 要用心去體會線條所帶來的微妙感受

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A. 原理
    a.  將畫面以水平與垂直各兩條線切成九宮格, "重要的構圖元素"置於線與線的交點.
    b.  水平-->地平線與水平線等會將畫面切割的線條置於三分之一處 (如果置於一半則主體不明確)

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鐘擺效應」(Pendulum Effect)


        鐘擺效應可能的連鎖反應,在多黨政治的生態下,焦點只落在兩大政黨之上。 選民分為游離票和鐵票,後者不過半數,而游離票選民不想一黨獨大,永遠不滿所有執政黨的政績,期望在野黨可能有新作為。而鐵票選民又太樂觀,以為下次也想當會長勝,積極性放鬆了。在一黨勝出後,在野黨領導人知錯,例牌辭職,新人上臺,承諾自我完善。 在下一回選舉中,游離票相信在野黨的承諾,投票率特別高,投向在野黨,形成鐘擺效應。

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  The coattail effect is the tendency for a popular political party leader to attract votes for other candidates of the same party in an election. For example, in the United States, the party of a victorious presidential candidate will often win many seats in Congress as well; these congressmen are voted into office “on the coattails” of the president.

  This theory is prevalent at all levels of government. A popular statewide candidate for governor or senator can attract support for down ballot races of their party as well. The term of voting a straight ticket can also be used. Following the 2004 elections, Republicans picked up seats in Congress and in other lower offices because of the coattails of George W. Bush.
西瓜效應又稱衣尾效應(Coattail effect),西瓜效應一詞源於閩南語俚語「西瓜偎大邊」,原意指的是牆頭草基於自身利益,靠向勢力強大或局勢較有利一方的情況。特別在接連舉辦的選舉,如美國民主黨與共和黨總統候選人各州初選中,假如有某幾位候選人被看好而獲得頭幾場初選時,則可以獲得大量的政治捐款,使得其優勢更加明顯最後即獲勝選。

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1. inhaled aerosal /droplet
-- "respiratory secretion"
2. infect respiratory epithelium -> epithelium damage 
       [disease] -- " entire repiratory system"

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[stolen generation]
a. where:Australia
b. when: from AD.1869 to AD.1969 (officially) -> from wiki ; 1910 to 1970 -> from official website
c. who: Australien aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, including aboriginal and half-caste , "at least 100,000"
d. why:

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1.To study the phenomenon of disease without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all.

2.Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day's work absorb your entire energies, and satisfy your widest ambition

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Boys, be ambitious!
Be ambitious
  not for money or for selfish aggrandizement,

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   a. 新棋紀樂園
   b. 圍棋最新攻防

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