1. amebiasis: infected by E. histolytica 
2. infectied -> 90% -> asymptom
                         10% -> dysentery, liver abscess..etc
# free-living amebas
1. N. fowleri
2. Acanthamoeba

[amebia liver abscess]
1. intestinal colonization -> portal veinous system (resistant to complement-mediate lysis)-> 
    netrophil infiltration -> neutrophil lysis -> neutrophil toxin -> hepatocyte necrosis -> abscess
2. abscess: rim -> congested hepatocyte
                      necrosis hepatocyte (anchovy paste, few or no cell )
                      #  ameba near capsule of abscess



1. aspiration: 
     a. acellular, proteinaceous debris , consisting predominantly of necrotic hepatocytes.
         -> anchovy paste, chocolate colored fluid
     b. Trophozoites seen < 20 % , only in the peripheral parts of the abscess    
2. indirect hemagglutination (IHA) : most sensitive

1. Murphy's sign false positive?
2. Knocking pain false positive?
3. WBC don't shift to left <-- chronic?

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